www-Sharp.Runtime administration COM objects

www-Sharp.Runtime contains some COM objects to simplify its administration. For example on how to use www-Sharp.Runtime administration objects, see source of www-Sharp.Runtime administrator that is located in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\www-Sharp.Runtime\Admin\index.html" (path may be slightly different depending on Windows local).


Main administration object.

Property Description
Protocols Collection that contains protocols (look wwwSharp.Runtime.Protocol).
ScriptMap Collection that contains script maps.
HasProtocol(string protocol; ForAllUsers: bool = false): bool Returns true if protocol is registered for www-Sharp.Runtime, false otherwise.


This object represents protocol (similar to http: or ftp:). www-Sharp.Runtime registers www-sharp: protocol on install, you can register more protocols for www-Sharp.Runtime.

Property Description
Name Protocol name, such as www-sharp (or http)
ForAllUsers Boolean value that indicates is protocol registered for all users on local computer or only for current user. On Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows NT 4 protocols are registered for all users. Modifying settings for all users requires administrator privileges on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003.
Domains Collection that contains domains (look wwwSharp.Runtime.Domain ).
HasDomain (string domain; ForAllUsers: bool = false): bool Returns true if domain is registered for this protocol , false otherwise.


This object represents domain (such as www.www-sharp.com in http://www.www-sharp.com). www-Sharp.Runtime registers wwwSharp.Admin domain in www-sharp protocol for administration purposes. All domain names that starts with www-Sharp in www-sharp protocol are reserved for use by www-Sharp and www-Sharp.Runtime.

Property Description
Name Domain name, such as wwwSharp.Admin (or www.www-sharp.com)
Protocol wwwSharp.Runtime.Protocol object this domain is registered for.
ForAllUsers Boolean value that indicates is domain registered for all users onálocal computer or only for current user. On Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows NT 4 domain s are registered for all users.
BasePath Directory that is application path for this domain.
BinDirectories Semicolon-separated list of binary directories. Directories are relatetive to BasePath
ConvertRedirectProtocol Boolean value. If it is true, when redirecting protocol part is replaced with current protocol name. This value should be set to true for proper work of some ISAPI dlls, for example, for IntraWeb applications. Modifying settings for all users requires administrator privileges on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003.


This object represents script map and is used to set handler for specific extension. For example, it can be used to setup Active Perl as handler for files with .pl extension. Handler is ISAPI dll or CGI exe. Script map can be administated with www-sharp://www-Sharp.Admin/scriptmap.html.

Property Description
Ext File extension with leading period, such as ".php" (without quotes).
Handler Program that will handle files with specified extension. Can be ISAPI .dll or CGI .exe.
ForAllUsers Boolean value that indicates is script map registered for all users on local computer or only for current user. On Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows NT 4 script maps are registered for all users. Modifying settings for all users requires administrator privileges on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003.


Protocols and Script map properties of wwwSharp.Runtime.Admin object and Domains property of wwwSharp.Runtime.Protocol object are collections.

Property Description
Count Returns count of objects in collection.
Item(index: Variant) Returns item in collection. Index could be integer or string.
Add(item: object) Adds new item in collection.
Remove(item: Variant) Removes item from collection. item parameter can be integer, string or object.
Refresh() Refreshes collection.